In the remote wilderness of Maker Farah, Dust Devils embark on an impressive clean-up season, promising a streak of uninterrupted days and hopes for a greater yield of gold. However, the financial and operational challenges posed by Jake and Mike place a significant burden on their shoulders. With a combination of personal resources and a limited budget, they must confront difficulties not only financially but also psychologically.
Impressive Clean Up Season Start: The Dust Devils in Maker Farah kick off the season with a successful cleanup operation, aiming to avoid shutdowns and increase gold production.
Financial Challenges: Jake and Mike face financial constraints, having invested $60,000 from the previous season’s profits to purchase plans for their operation. Operating on a tight budget, they highlight the stress associated with not meeting gold targets.
Second Processing Plant in Kalgoorlie: The team’s second gold processing plant, overseen by Paul’s dad and hired hand Dusty, plays a critical role in their operation. Paul makes an 850-kilometer trip to ensure its functionality, emphasizing the practical challenges of their working environment.
Challenges with Water Pump: John faces difficulties in starting the water pump after a four-week break between seasons. Despite challenges, the team remains resilient, with John’s positive outlook highlighting the importance of family in their endeavor.
Successful Test Sample: The team conducts a test sample on new ground, uncovering promising signs of gold. The results indicate good nuggets and boost confidence in achieving the season’s target of 400 ounces, providing a positive start to their gold mining efforts.