During the reign of King Rama V in Thailand, a group of hunting nobles captured fascinating photographs of mysterious animals. These photos provide a rare glimpse into the wildlife of the era and the practices of the hunting aristocracy.

The reign of King Rama V (Thailand): Pictures of mysterious animals hunted by the noble group - srody.com

Some of the animals captured in the photos are now extinct or endangered, making these images even more valuable to modern-day researchers and conservationists. The photos were taken using early camera technology and showcase the incredible skill and patience required to capture these elusive creatures on film.

The reign of King Rama V (Thailand): Pictures of mysterious animals hunted by the noble group - srody.com

Additionally, the photos offer insight into the social and cultural dynamics of the time, as hunting was a popular activity among the Thai elite. Overall, the collection of photos provides a unique perspective on both the natural world and the human history of Thailand during the late 19th century.

The reign of King Rama V (Thailand): Pictures of mysterious animals hunted by the noble group - srody.com

The reign of King Rama V (Thailand): Pictures of mysterious animals hunted by the noble group - srody.com

The reign of King Rama V (Thailand): Pictures of mysterious animals hunted by the noble group - srody.com

The reign of King Rama V (Thailand): Pictures of mysterious animals hunted by the noble group - srody.com


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